All categories for a short film directed by a woman / Night Terror | certificate
All categories for a feature film directed by a woman / A Woman LIVED on the Street | certificate
All categories for a short script written by a woman / Abby’s way | certificate
All categories for a feature script written by a woman / Nebelkind – The End of Silence | certificate
All categories for an unproduced short script written by a women / Delusional State (TV Pilot) | certificate
All categories for an unproduced feature script written by a women / The Lamplighter II: The Oyster Wars | certificate
All categories for a feature film about women / SIMIN BEHBAHANI: LOVE AT EIGHTY | certificate
All categories for a short film about women / Bardo | certificate
All categories for a documentary short / Splendido! | certificate
All categories for a documentary feature / Ojakh, on the other side of the silence | certificate
Best Actress in a film / Screaming Silence/Kalyn Elizabeth Wood | certificate
Best Costume design in a short film / Monk Fruit | certificate
Best Production design in a short film / Stars in the Water | certificate
Best Cinematography in a feature / Heroin(e) Hypocrite | certificate
Best Cinematography in a music video / What am I without You (Rumi inspired Sufi Love Poem/Tasawwuf) | certificate
Best Choreography in a music video / Come To The Table | certificate
Best Choreography in a film / Lines of a Woman | certificate
Best Choreography in a dance film / Come To The Table | certificate
Best Short Producer / Dear Annabelle | certificate