All categories for a short film directed by a woman / RSVP | certificate
All categories for a feature film directed by a woman / Unleashed | certificate
All categories for a short script written by a woman / QUIRK | certificate
All categories for a feature script written by a woman / Family Matters | certificate
All categories for an unproduced short script written by a women / Cedar Wood | certificate
All categories for an unproduced feature script written by a women / The Respect Revolution | certificate
All categories for a feature film about women / Those Were the Good Days | certificate
All categories for a short film about women / Knock Out | certificate
All categories for a documentary short / Unsilenced | certificate
All categories for a documentary feature / Chanting of the Dunes | certificate
Best Actor in a film / New York Violin | certificate
Best Actress in a film / NARÚ/Olivia Gajetzki | certificate
Best Make up in a short film / Barden and Sarah Start a Pandemic | certificate
Best Make up in a music video / Mysterious Origin | certificate
Best Costume design in a short film / The Paperbird | certificate
Best Production design in a music video / Beauté fatale | certificate
Best Cinematography in a short / New York Violin | certificate
Best Choreography in a film / MEASURLESS | certificate
Best Short Producer / Runaways | certificate